Oban.Met (Oban Met v0.1.8)

Metric introspection for Oban.

Oban.Met supervises a collection of autonomous modules for in-memory, distributed time-series data with zero-configuration. Oban.Web relies on Met for queue gossip, detailed job counts, and historic metrics.


  • Telemetry powered execution tracking for time-series data that is replicated between nodes, filterable by label, arbitrarily mergeable over windows of time, and compacted for longer playback.

  • Centralized counting across queues and states with exponential backoff to minimize load and data replication between nodes.

  • Ephemeral data storage via data replication with handoff between nodes. All nodes have a shared view of the cluster's data and new nodes are caught up when they come online.



Retrieve stored producer checks.

Get a normalized, unified crontab from all connected nodes.

Get all stored, unique values for a particular label.

Get the latest values for a gauge series, optionally subdivided by a label.

Get all stored values for a series without any filtering.

List all recorded series along with their labels and value type.

Start a Met supervisor for an Oban instance.

Summarize a series of data with an aggregate over a configurable window of time.


@type counts() :: %{optional(String.t()) => non_neg_integer()}
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@type filter_value() :: label() | [label()]
@type label() :: String.t()
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@type latest_opts() :: [
  filters: keyword(filter_value()),
  group: nil | label(),
  lookback: pos_integer()
@type operation() :: :max | :sum | {:pct, float()}
@type series() :: atom() | String.t()
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@type series_detail() :: %{series: series(), labels: [label()], value: module()}
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@type sub_counts() :: %{optional(String.t()) => non_neg_integer() | counts()}
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@type timeslice_opts() :: [
  by: pos_integer(),
  filters: keyword(filter_value()),
  group: nil | label(),
  label: nil | label(),
  lookback: pos_integer(),
  operation: operation(),
  since: pos_integer()
@type ts() :: integer()
@type value() :: Oban.Met.Value.t()


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checks(oban \\ Oban)

@spec checks(Oban.name()) :: [map()]

Retrieve stored producer checks.

This mimics the output of the legacy Oban.Web.Plugins.Stats.all_gossip/1 function.

Checks are queried approximately every second and broadcast to all connected nodes, so each node is a replica of checks from the entire cluster. Checks are stored for 30 seconds before being purged.


Checks are the result of Oban.check_queue/1, and the exact contents depends on which Oban.Engine is in use. A Basic engine check will look similar to this:

  uuid: "2dde4c0f-53b8-4f59-9a16-a9487454292d",
  limit: 10,
  node: "me@local",
  paused: false,
  queue: "default",
  running: [100, 102],
  started_at: ~D[2020-10-07 15:31:00],
  updated_at: ~D[2020-10-07 15:31:00]


Get all current checks:


Get current checks for a non-standard Oban isntance:

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crontab(oban \\ Oban)

@spec crontab(Oban.name()) :: [{binary(), binary(), map()}]

Get a normalized, unified crontab from all connected nodes.


Get a merged crontab:

  {"* * * * *", "Worker.A", []},
  {"* * * * *", "Worker.B", [["args", %{"mode" => "foo"}]]}

Get the crontab for a non-standard Oban instance:

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labels(oban \\ Oban, label, opts \\ [])

@spec labels(Oban.name(), label(), keyword()) :: [label()]

Get all stored, unique values for a particular label.


Get all known queues:

~w(alpha gamma delta)

Get all known workers:

~w(MyApp.Worker MyApp.OtherWorker)
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latest(oban \\ Oban, series, opts \\ [])

Get the latest values for a gauge series, optionally subdivided by a label.

Unlike queues and workers, states are static and constant, so they'll always show up in the counts or subdivision maps.

Gauge Series

Latest counts only apply to Gauge series. There are two gauges available (as reported by series/1:

  • :exec_count — jobs executing at that moment, including node, queue, state, and worker labels.

  • :full_count — jobs in the database, including queue, and state labels.


Get the :full_count value without any grouping:

%{"all" => 99}

Group the :full_count value by state:

Oban.Met.latest(:full_count, group: "state")
%{"available" => 9, "completed" => 80, "executing" => 5, ...

Group results by queue:

Oban.Met.latest(:exec_count, group: "queue")
%{"alpha" => 9, "gamma" => 3}

Group results by node:

Oban.Met.latest(:exec_count, group: "node")
%{"worker.1" => 6, "worker.2" => 5}

Filter values by node:

Oban.Met.latest(:exec_count, filters: [node: "worker.1"])
%{"all" => 6}

Filter values by queue and state:

Oban.Met.latest(:exec_count, filters: [node: "worker.1", "worker.2"])
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lookup(oban \\ Oban, series)

@spec lookup(Oban.name(), series()) :: [term()]

Get all stored values for a series without any filtering.

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series(oban \\ Oban)

@spec series(Oban.name()) :: [series_detail()]

List all recorded series along with their labels and value type.


  %{series: "exec_time", labels: ["state", "queue", "worker"], value: Sketch},
  %{series: "wait_time", labels: ["state", "queue", "worker"], value: Sketch},
  %{series: "exec_count", labels: ["state", "queue", "worker"], value: Gauge},
  %{series: "full_count", labels: ["state", "queue"], value: Gauge}
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@spec start_link(Keyword.t()) :: Supervisor.on_start()

Start a Met supervisor for an Oban instance.

Oban.Met typically starts supervisors automatically when Oban instances initialize. However, starting a supervisor manually can be used if auto_start is disabled.


These options are required; without them the supervisor won't start:

  • :conf — configuration for a running Oban instance, required

  • :name — an optional name for the supervisor, defaults to Oban.Met


Start a supervisor for the default Oban instance:

Oban.Met.start_link(conf: Oban.config())

Start a supervisor with a custom name:

Oban.Met.start_link(conf: Oban.config(), name: MyApp.MetSup)
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timeslice(oban \\ Oban, series, opts \\ [])

@spec timeslice(Oban.name(), series(), timeslice_opts()) :: [{ts(), value(), label()}]

Summarize a series of data with an aggregate over a configurable window of time.


Retreive a 3 second timeslice of the exec_time sketch:

Oban.Met.timeslice(Oban, :exec_time, lookback: 3)
  {2, 16771374649.128689, nil},
  {1, 24040058779.3428, nil},
  {0, 22191534459.516357, nil},

Group exec_time slices by the queue label:

Oban.Met.timeslice(Oban, :exec_time, group: "queue")
  {1, 9970235387.031698, "analysis"},
  {0, 11700429279.446463, "analysis"},
  {1, 23097311376.231316, "default"},
  {0, 23097311376.231316, "default"},
  {1, 1520977874.3348415, "events"},
  {0, 2558504265.2738624, "events"},