Oban.Pro.Workflow behaviour (Oban Pro v1.5.3)
Workflows compose jobs together with arbitrary dependencies, allowing sequential, fan-out, and fan-in execution workflows. Workflows are fault tolerant and scale horizontally across all available nodes.
Workflows linking jobs together into a DAG (directed acyclic graph). Dependency resolution guarantees that jobs execute in the prescribed order regardless of scheduling or retries. Each workflow job will wait for all upstream dependencies to complete before it is made available to run.
As a trivial example, let's define an EchoWorker
that only inspects the args
, and then use
it in a workflow to show how jobs execute in order. First, here's the worker:
defmodule MyApp.EchoWorker do
use Oban.Pro.Worker, queue: :default
@impl true
def process(%{args: args}) do
Now use new/1
to initialize a workflow, and add/4
to add named jobs with dependencies to the
alias MyApp.EchoWorker
alias Oban.Pro.Workflow
|> Workflow.add(:a, EchoWorker.new(%{id: 1}))
|> Workflow.add(:b, EchoWorker.new(%{id: 2}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:c, EchoWorker.new(%{id: 3}), deps: [:b])
|> Workflow.add(:d, EchoWorker.new(%{id: 4}), deps: [:b])
|> Workflow.add(:e, EchoWorker.new(%{id: 5}), deps: [:c, :d])
|> Oban.insert_all()
When the workflow executes, it will print out each job's args
in the prescribed order.
However, because steps c
and d
each depend on b
, they may execute in parallel.
Visually, the workflow jobs composes like this:
Dynamic Workflows
Many workflows aren't static—the number of jobs and their interdependencies aren't known beforehand.
The following worker accepts a count and generates a workflow that fans-out and back in twice,
using a variable number of dependencies. The key is using Enum.reduce
to accumulate a workflow
with interpolated names, i.e. "a_0"
, "a_1"
, etc.
defmodule MyApp.Dynamic do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
alias Oban.Pro.Workflow
@impl true
def process(%{meta: %{"name" => name}}) do
def insert_workflow(count) when is_integer(count) do
range = Range.new(0, count)
a_deps = Enum.map(range, &"a_#{&1}")
b_deps = Enum.map(range, &"b_#{&1}")
|> Workflow.add(:a, new(%{}), [])
|> fan_out(:a, range)
|> Workflow.add(:b, new(%{}), deps: a_deps)
|> fan_out(:b, range)
|> Workflow.add(:c, new(%{}), deps: b_deps)
|> Oban.insert_all()
defp fan_out(workflow, base, range) do
Enum.reduce(range, workflow, fn key, acc ->
Workflow.add(acc, "#{base}_#{key}", new(%{}), deps: [base])
Calling MyApp.Dynamic.insert_workflow(3)
generates a workflow that fans out to 3 a
and 3 b
Using Upstream Results
Directed dependencies between jobs, paired with the recorded
option, allow a workflow's
downstream jobs to fetch the output of upstream jobs.
To demonstrate, let's make a workflow that leverages get_recorded/3
to simulate a multi-step
API interaction.
The first worker simulates fetching an authentication token using an api_key
defmodule MyApp.WorkerA do
use Oban.Pro.Worker, recorded: true
@impl true
def process(%Job{args: %{"api_key" => api_key}}) do
token =
|> String.graphemes()
|> Enum.shuffle()
|> to_string()
{:ok, token}
The second worker fetches the token
from the first job by calling get_job/2
with the name
, which we'll set while building the workflow later.
defmodule MyApp.WorkerB do
use Oban.Pro.Worker, recorded: true
@impl true
def process(%Job{args: %{"url" => url}} = job) do
token = Oban.Pro.Workflow.get_recorded(job, :a)
{:ok, {token, url}}
Then the final worker uses all_recorded/3
with the only_deps
option to fetch the results
from all upstream jobs, then it prints out everything that was fetched.
defmodule MyApp.WorkerC do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
@impl true
def process(job) do
|> Oban.Pro.Workflow.all_recorded(only_deps: true)
|> IO.inspect()
The final step is to build a workflow that composes all of the jobs together with names, args, and deps:
alias MyApp.{WorkerA, WorkerB, WorkerC}
|> Workflow.add(:a, WorkerA.new(%{api_key: "23kl239bjljlk309af"}))
|> Workflow.add(:b, WorkerB.new(%{url: "elixir-lang.org"}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:c, WorkerB.new(%{url: "www.erlang.org"}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:d, WorkerB.new(%{url: "oban.pro"}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:e, WorkerC.new(%{}), deps: [:b, :c, :d])
|> Oban.insert_all()
When the workflow runs the final step, e
, prints out something like the following:
"a" => {"93l2jlj3kl90baf2k3", "elixir-lang.org"},
"b" => {"93l2jlj3kl90baf2k3", "www.erlang.org"},
"c" => {"93l2jlj3kl90baf2k3", "oban.pro"}
Customizing Workflows
Workflow ID
The default workflow_id
is a time-ordered, random UUIDv7. This is more than sufficient
to ensure that workflows are unique for any period of time. However, if you require more control
you can pass a value directly to new/1
Workflow.new(workflow_id: "custom-but-still-unique-id")
Workflow Name
Workflows accept an optional name to describe the purpose of the workflow, beyond the individual
jobs in it. While the workflow_id
must be unique, the workflow_name
doesn't, so it can be
used as a general purpose label.
Workflow.new(workflow_name: "nightly-etl")
Dependency Handling
Workflows use conservative defaults for dependency handling. You can customize the safety checks by providing a few top-level options:
— regardcancelled
dependencies as completed rather than cancelling remaining jobs in the workflow. Defaults tofalse
— regarddiscarded
dependencies as completed rather than cancelling remaining jobs in the workflow. Defaults tofalse
— regarddeleted
(typically pruned) dependencies as completed rather cancelling remaining jobs in workflow. Defaults tofalse
The following example creates a workflow with all of the available options:
Workflow.new(ignore_cancelled: true, ignore_deleted: true, ignore_discarded: true)
Options may also be applied to individual workflow jobs For example, configure a single job to
ignore cancelled
dependencies, another to ignore discarded
, and another to ignore deleted
|> Workflow.add(:a, MyWorkflow.new(%{}))
|> Workflow.add(:b, MyWorkflow.new(%{}, deps: [:a], ignore_cancelled: true))
|> Workflow.add(:c, MyWorkflow.new(%{}, deps: [:b], ignore_discarded: true))
|> Workflow.add(:d, MyWorkflow.new(%{}, deps: [:c], ignore_deleted: true))
Stuck Workflows
Be sure that you're running the DynamicLifeline
to rescue stuck workflows when upstream
dependencies are deleted unexpectedly.
config :my_app, Oban,
plugins: [Oban.Pro.Plugins.DynamicLifeline],
Fetching Workflow Jobs
Workflow jobs are tied together through meta
attributes. The get_job/3
, all_jobs/3
, and
functions use those attributes to load other jobs in a workflow. This is
particularly useful from a worker's process/1
function. For example, to fetch all of the jobs
in a workflow:
defmodule MyApp.Workflow do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
@impl true
def process(%Job{} = job) do
|> Oban.Pro.Workflow.all_jobs()
|> do_things_with_jobs()
It's also possible to scope fetching to only dependencies of the current job with only_deps
deps = Workflow.all_jobs(job, only_deps: true)
Or, only fetch a single explicit dependency by name get_job/3
dep_job = Workflow.get_job(job, :a)
For large workflows it may be inefficient to load all jobs in memory at once. In that case, you
can use stream_jobs/3
to fetch jobs lazily. For example, to stream all of the completed
in a workflow:
defmodule MyApp.Workflow do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
@impl true
def process(%Job{} = job) do
{:ok, workflow_jobs} =
MyApp.Repo.transaction(fn ->
|> Oban.Pro.Workflow.stream_jobs()
|> Stream.filter(& &1.state == "completed")
|> Enum.to_list()
Streaming is provided by Ecto's Repo.stream
, and it must take place within a transaction.
Using a stream lets you control the number of jobs loaded from the database, minimizing memory
usage for large workflows.
Appending Workflow Jobs
Sometimes all jobs aren't known when the workflow is created. In that case, you can add more
jobs with optional dependency checking using append/2
. An appended workflow starts with one or
more jobs, which reuses the original workflow_id
, and optionally builds a set of dependencies
to check against.
In this example we disable deps checking with check_deps: false
defmodule MyApp.WorkflowWorker do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
alias Oban.Pro.Workflow
@impl true
def process(%Job{} = job) do
jobs =
|> Workflow.append(check_deps: false)
|> Workflow.add(:d, WorkerD.new(%{}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:e, WorkerE.new(%{}), deps: [:b])
|> Workflow.add(:f, WorkerF.new(%{}), deps: [:c])
|> Oban.insert_all()
{:ok, jobs}
The new jobs specify deps on preexisting jobs named :a
, :b
, and :c
, but there isn't any
guarantee those jobs actually exist. That could lead to an incomplete workflow where the new
jobs may never complete.
To be safe and check jobs while appending we'll fetch all of the previous jobs with all_jobs/3
and feed them in:
defmodule MyApp.WorkflowWorker do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
alias Oban.Pro.Workflow
@impl true
def process(%Job{} = job) do
{:ok, jobs} = Workflow.all_jobs(job)
|> Workflow.append()
|> Workflow.add(:d, WorkerD.new(%{}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:e, WorkerE.new(%{}), deps: [:b])
|> Workflow.add(:f, WorkerF.new(%{}), deps: [:c])
|> Oban.insert_all()
Now there isn't any risk of an incomplete workflow from missing dependencies, at the expense of loading some extraneous jobs.
Handling Cancellations
Workflow jobs are automatically cancelled
when their upstream dependencies are cancelled
, or deleted
(unless specifically overridden using the ignore_*
options as
described earlier). Those workflow jobs are cancelled before they're executing, which means
standard Oban.Pro.Worker.after_process/3
hooks won't be called. Instead, there's an
optional after_cancelled/2
callback specifically for workflows.
Here's a trivial after_cancelled
hook that logs a warning when a workflow job is cancelled:
def MyApp.Workflow do
use Oban.Pro.Worker
@behaviour Oban.Pro.Workflow
require Logger
@impl Oban.Pro.Workflow
def after_cancelled(reason, job) do
Logger.warn("Workflow job #{job.id} cancelled because a dependency was #{reason}")
Visualizing Workflows
Workflows are a type of Directed Acyclic Graph, which means we can describe a workflow as a graph of jobs and dependencies, where execution flows between jobs. By converting the workflow into a standard graph description language such as mermaid or graphviz, we can visualize workflows.
Along with the general purpose to_graph/1
that outputs a digraph
, there are a few built-in
visualization options: to_dot/1
for graphviz digraphs and to_mermaid/1
for mermaid
The following example generates a mermaid flowchart from the account workflow from above:
Generates the following mermaid output, where each vertex is the job's name and the label is the worker:
flowchart TD
backup_1[MyApp.BackupPost] --> delete[MyApp.DeleteAccount]
backup_2[MyApp.BackupPost] --> delete[MyApp.DeleteAccount]
backup_3[MyApp.BackupPost] --> delete[MyApp.DeleteAccount]
receipt[MyApp.FinalReceipt] --> backup_1[MyApp.BackupPost]
receipt[MyApp.FinalReceipt] --> backup_2[MyApp.BackupPost]
receipt[MyApp.FinalReceipt] --> backup_3[MyApp.BackupPost]
receipt[MyApp.FinalReceipt] --> email_1[MyApp.EmailSubscriber]
receipt[MyApp.FinalReceipt] --> email_2[MyApp.EmailSubscriber]
email_1[MyApp.EmailSubscriber] --> delete[MyApp.DeleteAccount]
email_2[MyApp.EmailSubscriber] --> delete[MyApp.DeleteAccount]
Now we can take that output and render it using the command line, or directly in
LiveBook using Kino. The following example pipes a workflow through
and then into Kino.Mermaid
|> Workflow.to_mermaid()
|> Kino.Mermaid.new()
That will generate the following SVG of the workflow:
Looking at the flowchart we can clearly see how the workflow starts with a single
job, fans-out to multiple email
and backup
jobs, and finally fans-in to the
job—exactly as we planned!
Called after a workflow job is cancelled due to upstream jobs being cancelled
, deleted
, or
Add a named job to the workflow along with optional dependencies.
Get all jobs for a workflow, optionally filtered by upstream deps.
Get all recordings for workflow jobs, optionally filtered by name or relationship.
Instantiate a new workflow from one or more existing workflow jobs.
Cancel one or more workflow jobs.
Get a single workflow job by name.
Fetch the recorded output from a workflow job.
Instantiate a new workflow struct with a unique workflow id.
Stream all jobs for a workflow.
Converts the given workflow to a graphviz dot
Converts the given workflow to a :digraph
Generate a Mermaid flowchart in top-down orientation from a workflow.
@type cancel_opts() :: [{:names, [name()]}]
@type cancel_reason() :: :deleted | :discarded | :cancelled
@type fetch_opts() :: [ log: Logger.level(), names: [name()], only_deps: boolean(), timeout: timeout() ]
@type job_or_wid() :: Oban.Job.t() | workflow_id()
@type t() :: %Oban.Pro.Workflow{ changesets: [Oban.Job.changeset()], check_deps: boolean(), id: workflow_id(), names: MapSet.t(), opts: map() }
@type workflow_id() :: String.t()
@callback after_cancelled(cancel_reason(), job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: :ok
Called after a workflow job is cancelled due to upstream jobs being cancelled
, deleted
, or
This callback is only called when a job is cancelled because of an upstream dependency. It is
never called after normal job execution. For that, use Oban.Pro.Worker.after_process/3
@spec add(t(), name(), Oban.Job.changeset(), add_opts()) :: t()
Add a named job to the workflow along with optional dependencies.
Add jobs to a workflow with dependencies:
|> Workflow.add(:a, MyApp.WorkerA.new(%{id: id}))
|> Workflow.add(:b, MyApp.WorkerB.new(%{id: id}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:c, MyApp.WorkerC.new(%{id: id}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:d, MyApp.WorkerC.new(%{id: id}), deps: [:b, :c])
@spec all_jobs(Oban.name(), job_or_wid(), fetch_opts()) :: [Oban.Job.t()]
Get all jobs for a workflow, optionally filtered by upstream deps.
Retrieve all workflow jobs within a process/1
def process(%Job{} = job) do
|> Workflow.all_jobs()
|> do_things_with_jobs()
Retrieve all of the current job's deps:
jobs = Workflow.all_jobs(job, only_deps: true)
Retrieve an explicit list of dependencies:
[job_a, job_b] = Workflow.all_jobs(job, names: [:a, :b])
Retrieve all jobs using a workflow_id
jobs = Workflow.all_jobs("some-uuid-1234-5678")
Retrieve only some named jobs using a workflow_id
[job_a, job_b] = Workflow.all_jobs("some-uuid-1234-5678", deps: [:a, :b])
Retrieve all jobs using a workflow_id
and a custom Oban instance name:
jobs = Workflow.all_jobs(MyApp.Oban, "some-uuid-1234-5678")
@spec all_recorded(Oban.name(), job_or_wid(), fetch_opts()) :: map()
Get all recordings for workflow jobs, optionally filtered by name or relationship.
The result is a map of the job's name and recorded output. Unrecorded jobs, or those without a
recording will be present in the map with a a nil
Retrieve results for all workflow jobs within a process/1
def process(%Job{} = job) do
%{"a" => job_a_return, "b" => job_b_return} = Workflow.all_recorded(job)
Retrieve recordings for all of the current job's deps:
recorded = Workflow.all_recorded(job, only_deps: true)
Retrieve recordings for a list of dependencies:
%{"a" => _, "b" => _} = Workflow.all_recorded(job, names: [:a, :b])
Retrieve recordings for some named jobs using the workflow_id
%{"a" => _, "b" => _} = Workflow.all_recorded("some-uuid-1234-5678", names: [:a, :b])
@spec append(Oban.Job.t() | [Oban.Job.t()], append_opts()) :: t()
Instantiate a new workflow from one or more existing workflow jobs.
Append to a workflow seeded with all other jobs in the workflow:
|> Workflow.append()
|> Workflow.add(:d, WorkerD.new(%{}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:e, WorkerE.new(%{}), deps: [:b])
|> Oban.insert_all()
Append to a workflow from a single job and bypass checking deps:
|> Workflow.append(check_deps: false)
|> Workflow.add(:d, WorkerD.new(%{}), deps: [:a])
|> Workflow.add(:e, WorkerE.new(%{}), deps: [:b])
|> Oban.insert_all()
@spec cancel_jobs(Oban.name(), job_or_wid(), cancel_opts()) :: {:ok, integer()}
Cancel one or more workflow jobs.
This uses Oban.cancel_all_jobs/2
internally, and adheres to the same cancellation rules.
Namely, it won't touch jobs in a completed
, cancelled
, or discarded
Cancel jobs with a workflow job
from a process/1
def process(job) do
if should_stop_processing?(job.args) do
Cancel specific workflow jobs:
Workflow.cancel_jobs("some-uuid-1234-5678", names: [:a, :b])
Cancel all jobs in a workflow by workflow_id
Cancel jobs from anywhere with a custom Oban instance name:
Workflow.cancel_jobs(MyApp.Oban, "some-uuid-1234-5678")
@spec get_job(Oban.name(), job_or_wid(), name()) :: nil | Oban.Job.t()
@spec get_job(Oban.name(), job_or_wid(), name()) :: any()
Get a single workflow job by name.
Get the workflow job named :step_1
from within process/
def process(job) do
case Workflow.get_job(job, :step_1) do
nil -> ...
dep_job -> use_the_job(dep_job)
Get a named workflow job with the workflow_id
Workflow.get_job("some-uuid-1234-5678", :step_2)
Get a named workflow job with the workflow_id
and a custom Oban instance name:
Workflow.get_job(MyApp.Oban, "some-uuid-1234-5678", :step_2)
Fetch the recorded output from a workflow job.
This function provides an optimized way to get recorded output with a single query.
A nil
value is returned when a dependency is incomplete, missing, unrecorded, or lacks
recorded output.
Get the recorded output from :step_1
within process/
def process(job) do
case Workflow.get_recorded(job, :step_1) do
nil -> ...
val -> use_recorded_output(val)
Get recorded output using the workflow id:
Workflow.get_recorded("some-uuid-1234-5678", :step_2)
Get recorded output using the workflow_id
and a custom Oban instance name:
Workflow.get_recorded(MyApp.Oban, "some-uuid-1234-5678", :step_2)
Instantiate a new workflow struct with a unique workflow id.
Create a standard workflow without any options:
Create a workflow with a custom name:
Workflow.new(workflow_name: "logistics")
Create a workflow with a static id and some options:
Workflow.new(workflow_id: "workflow-id", ignore_cancelled: true, ignore_discarded: true)
@spec stream_jobs(Oban.name(), Oban.Job.t() | String.t(), fetch_opts()) :: Enum.t()
Stream all jobs for a workflow.
This function behaves identically to all_jobs/3
, except it streams jobs lazily from within a
Stream with filtering to only preserve completed
def process(%Job{} = job) do
{:ok, workflow_jobs} =
MyApp.Repo.transaction(fn ->
|> Workflow.stream_jobs()
|> Stream.filter(& &1.state == "completed")
|> Enum.to_list()
Stream workflow jobs from anywhere using the workflow_id
MyApp.Repo.transaction(fn ->
|> Workflow.stream_jobs()
|> Enum.map(& &1.args["account_id"])
Stream workflow jobs using a custom Oban instance name:
MyApp.Repo.transaction(fn ->
|> Workflow.stream_jobs("some-uuid-1234-5678")
|> Enum.map(& &1.args["account_id"])
Converts the given workflow to a graphviz dot
Generate a dot digraph:
@spec to_graph(flow :: t()) :: :digraph.graph()
Converts the given workflow to a :digraph
The resulting digraph can be explored, evaluated, and then be converted to a number of other formats.
Generate a digraph from a workflow:
graph = Workflow.to_graph(workflow)
Check the path between jobs in a workflow:
|> Workflow.to_graph()
|> :digraph.get_path("step_1", "step_5")
Generate a Mermaid flowchart in top-down orientation from a workflow.
Generate a flowchart: