Oban.Pro.Workers.Batch behaviour (Oban Pro v1.4.10)

A Batch worker links the execution of many jobs as a group and runs optional callbacks after jobs are processed. This allows your application to coordinate the execution of tens, hundreds or thousands of jobs in parallel.


Before running a Batch in production, you should run a migration to add an optimized index for batch queries. Without the optimization, batch queries may be slow:

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddBatchIndex do
  use Ecto.Migration

  defdelegate change, to: Oban.Pro.Migrations.Batch


Let's define a worker that delivers daily emails in a large batch:

defmodule MyApp.EmailBatch do
  use Oban.Pro.Workers.Batch, queue: :mailers

  @impl true
  def process(%Job{args: %{"email" => email}}) do

Note that we define a process/1 callback instead of perform/1 because perform/1 is used behind the scenes to coordinate regular execution and callbacks within the same worker. The process/1 function receives an Oban.Job struct, just like perform/1 would and it should return the same accepted values, i.e. :ok, {:ok, value}, {:error, error}.

The process/1 function above only looks for an "email" key in the job args, but a "batch_id" is also available in meta. We'll modify the function to extract the batch_id as well:

def process(%Job{args: %{"email" => email}, meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  {:ok, reply} = MyApp.Mailer.daily_update(email)

  track_delivery(batch_id, reply)


Now the hypothetical track_delivery/2 function will store the delivery details for retrieval later, possibly by one of our handler callbacks.

Inserting Batches

Create batches with c:new_batch/1,2 by passing a list of args and options, or a list of heterogeneous jobs. A list of args and options is transformed into a list of jobs for that batch module. For example, this will build and insert two EmailBatch jobs:

[%{email: "[email protected]"}, %{email: "[email protected]"}]
|> MyApp.EmailBatch.new_batch()
|> Oban.insert_all()

To schedule a batch in the future, or override default options, you pass a list of options:

[%{email: "[email protected]"}, %{email: "[email protected]"}]
|> MyApp.EmailBatch.new_batch(schedule_in: 60, priority: 1, max_attempts: 3)
|> Oban.insert_all()

The c:new_batch/1,2 callback automatically injects a unique batch_id into each job's meta. A Batch worker is a regular Oban.Worker under the hood, which means you can use new/2 to insert jobs as well, provided you use a deterministic batch id.

Creating a heterogeneous batch is similar, though you must provide an explicit worker for callbacks:

mail_jobs = Enum.map(mail_args, &MyApp.MailWorker.new/1)
push_jobs = Enum.map(push_args, &MyApp.PushWorker.new/1)

  mail_jobs ++ push_jobs,
  batch_callback_worker: MyApp.CallbackWorker

Generating Batch IDs

By default a batch_id is generated as a time-ordered random UUIDv7. UUIDs are more than sufficient to ensure that batches are unique between workers and nodes for any period. However, if you require control, you can override batch_id generation at the worker level or pass a value directly to the new_batch/2 function.

To override the batch_id for a particular worker you override the gen_id/0 callback:

defmodule MyApp.BatchWorker do
  use Oban.Pro.Workers.Batch

  # Generate a 24 character long random string instead
  @impl Batch
  def gen_id do
    |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes()
    |> Base.encode64()

The gen_id/0 callback is suited for random/non-deterministic id generation. If you'd prefer to use a deterministic id instead, you can pass the batch_id in as an option to new_batch/2:

MyApp.BatchWorker.new_batch(list_of_args, batch_id: "custom-batch-id")

Using this technique you can verify the batch_id in tests or append to the batch manually after it was originally created. For example, you can add to a batch that is scheduled for the future:

batch_id = "daily-batch-#{Date.utc_today()}"
midnight =
  |> NaiveDateTime.new(~T[11:59:59])
  |> elem(1)
  |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC")

# Create the initial batch
|> MyApp.BatchWorker.new_batch(batch_id: batch_id, schedule_at: midnight)
|> Oban.insert_all()

# Add items to the batch later in the day
%{batch_id: batch_id, other_arg: "other"}
|> MyApp.BatchWorker.new(schedule_at: midnight)
|> Oban.insert()

When batch jobs execute at midnight they'll all be tracked together.

Handler Callbacks

After jobs in the batch are processed, a callback job may be inserted There are four optional batch handler callbacks that a worker may define:

  • handle_attempted/1 — called after all jobs in the batch were attempted at least once, regardless of whether they succeeded or not.

  • handle_cancelled/1 — called after the first job in a batch has cancelled state.

  • handle_completed/1 — called after all jobs in the batch have a completed state. This handler may never be called if one or more jobs keep failing or any are discarded.

  • handle_discarded/1 — called after the first job in a batch has a discarded state.

  • handle_exhausted/1 — called after all jobs in the batch have a cancelled, completed or discarded state.

  • handle_retryable/1 — called after the first job in a batch has a retryable state.

Each handler callback receives an Oban.Job struct with the batch_id in meta and should return :ok. The callbacks are executed as separate isolated jobs, so they may be retried or discarded like any other job.

Here we'll implement each of the optional handler callbacks and have them print out the batch status along with the batch_id:

defmodule MyApp.BatchWorker do
  use Oban.Pro.Workers.Batch

  @impl Oban.Pro.Worker
  def process(_job), do: :ok

  @impl Batch
  def handle_attempted(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
    IO.inspect({:attempted,  batch_id})

  @impl Batch
  def handle_cancelled(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
    IO.inspect({:cancelled,  batch_id})

  @impl Batch
  def handle_completed(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
    IO.inspect({:completed,  batch_id})

  @impl Batch
  def handle_discarded(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
    IO.inspect({:discarded,  batch_id})

  @impl Batch
  def handle_exhausted(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
    IO.inspect({:exhausted,  batch_id})

  @impl Batch
  def handle_retryable(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
    IO.inspect({:retryable,  batch_id})

Forwarding Callback Args or Meta

By default, callback jobs have an empty args map. With the :batch_callback_args option to new_batch/2, you can pass custom args through to each callback. For example, here we're passing a webhook URLs in the args for use callbacks:

MyBatch.new_batch(jobs, batch_callback_args: %{webhook: "https://web.hook"})

Here, we're passing an open tracing span through meta:

MyBatch.new_batch(jobs, batch_callback_meta: %{span: tracing_span})

Any JSON encodable map may be passed to callbacks, but note that the complete map is stored in each batch job's meta.

Alternate Callback Workers

For some batches, notably those with heterogeneous jobs, it's handy to specify a different worker for callbacks. That is easily accomplished by passing the :batch_callback_worker option to new_batch/2:

MyBatch.new(jobs, batch_callback_worker: MyCallbackWorker)

The callback worker must be an Oban.Worker that defines one or more of the batch callback handlers.

Alternate Callback Queues

It's also possible to override the callback queue for a batch of jobs by passing the :batch_callback_queue option to new_batch/2:

MyBatch.new(jobs, batch_callback_queue: :callbacks_only)

Fetching Batch Jobs

For map/reduce style workflows, or to pull more context from batch jobs, it's possible to load all jobs from the batch with c:all_batch_jobs/1,2 and c:stream_batch_jobs/1,2. The functions take a single batch job and returns a list or stream of all non-callback jobs in the batch, which you can then operate on with Enum or Stream functions.

As an example, imagine you have a batch that ran for a few thousand accounts and you'd like to notify admins that the batch is complete.

defmodule MyApp.BatchWorker do
  use Oban.Pro.Workers.Batch

  @impl Batch
  def handle_completed(%Job{} = job) do
    {:ok, account_ids} =
      MyApp.Repo.transaction(fn ->
        |> stream_batch_jobs()
        |> Stream.map(& &1.args["account_id"])
        |> Enum.to_list()

    |> MyApp.Accounts.all()
    |> MyApp.Mailer.notify_admins_about_batch()

Streaming is provided by Ecto's Repo.stream, and it must take place within a transaction. While it may be overkill for small batches, for batches with tens or hundreds of thousands of jobs, it will prevent massive memory spikes or the database grinding to a halt!



Get all non-callback jobs from a batch.

Generate a unique string to identify the batch.

Called after all jobs in the batch were attempted at least once.

Called after any jobs in the batch have a cancelled state.

Called after all jobs in the batch have a completed state.

Called after any jobs in the batch have a discarded state.

Called after all jobs in the batch have either a completed or discarded state.

Called after any jobs in the batch have a retryable state.

Build a collection of job changesets from the provided args and opts.

Stream non-callback jobs from a batch.


Link to this type


@type args_or_jobs() :: [Oban.Job.t() | Oban.Job.args()]
Link to this type


@type batch_opts() ::
  | {:batch_id, String.t()}
  | {:batch_callback_args, map()}
  | {:batch_callback_meta, map()}
  | {:batch_callback_queue, atom() | String.t()}
  | {:batch_callback_worker, module()}
@type repo_opts() :: {:timeout, timeout()}


Link to this callback

all_batch_jobs(t, list)

@callback all_batch_jobs(Oban.Job.t(), [repo_opts()]) :: Enum.t()

Get all non-callback jobs from a batch.


Extract recorded results from all jobs in a batch:

@impl Batch
def handle_completed(%Job{} = job) do
  results =
    |> all_batch_jobs()
    |> Enum.map(&fetch_recorded/1)

@callback gen_id() :: String.t()

Generate a unique string to identify the batch.

Defaults to a 128bit UUIDv7.


Generate a batch id using random bytes instead of a UUID:

@impl Batch
def gen_id do
  |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes()
  |> Base.encode64()
Link to this callback


@callback handle_attempted(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: Oban.Worker.result()

Called after all jobs in the batch were attempted at least once.

If a handle_attempted/1 function is defined it is executed by an isolated callback job.


Print when all jobs were attempted:

@impl Batch
def handle_attempted(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  IO.inspect(batch_id, label: "Attempted")
Link to this callback


@callback handle_cancelled(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: Oban.Worker.result()

Called after any jobs in the batch have a cancelled state.

If a handle_cancelled/1 function is defined it is executed by an isolated callback job.


Print when any jobs are discarded:

@impl Batch
def handle_cancelled(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  IO.inspect(batch_id, label: "Cancelled")
Link to this callback


@callback handle_completed(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: Oban.Worker.result()

Called after all jobs in the batch have a completed state.

If a handle_completed/1 function is defined it is executed by an isolated callback job.


Print when all jobs are completed:

@impl Batch
def handle_completed(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  IO.inspect(batch_id, label: "Completed")
Link to this callback


@callback handle_discarded(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: Oban.Worker.result()

Called after any jobs in the batch have a discarded state.

If a handle_discarded/1 function is defined it is executed by an isolated callback job.


Print when any jobs are discarded:

@impl Batch
def handle_discarded(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  IO.inspect(batch_id, label: "Discarded")
Link to this callback


@callback handle_exhausted(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: Oban.Worker.result()

Called after all jobs in the batch have either a completed or discarded state.

If a handle_exhausted/1 function is defined it is executed by an isolated callback job.


Print when all jobs are completed or discarded:

@impl Batch
def handle_exhausted(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  IO.inspect(batch_id, label: "Exhausted")
Link to this callback


@callback handle_retryable(job :: Oban.Job.t()) :: Oban.Worker.result()

Called after any jobs in the batch have a retryable state.

If a handle_retryable/1 function is defined it is executed by an isolated callback job.


Print when any jobs are retryable:

@impl Batch
def handle_retryable(%Job{meta: %{"batch_id" => batch_id}}) do
  IO.inspect(batch_id, label: "Retryable")
Link to this callback

new_batch(args_or_jobs, list)

@callback new_batch(args_or_jobs(), [batch_opts()]) :: [Ecto.Changeset.t()]

Build a collection of job changesets from the provided args and opts.


Create a batch:

[%{email: "[email protected]"}, %{email: "[email protected]"}]
|> MyApp.EmailBatch.new_batch()
|> Oban.insert_all()

Schedule a batch in the future with some optional overrides:

[%{email: "[email protected]"}, %{email: "[email protected]"}]
|> MyApp.EmailBatch.new_batch(schedule_in: 60, priority: 1, max_attempts: 3)
|> Oban.insert_all()

Create a heterogeneous batch with an explicit callback worker:

mail_jobs = Enum.map(mail_args, &MyApp.MailWorker.new/1)
push_jobs = Enum.map(push_args, &MyApp.PushWorker.new/1)

  mail_jobs ++ push_jobs,
  batch_callback_worker: MyApp.CallbackWorker
Link to this callback

stream_batch_jobs(t, list)

@callback stream_batch_jobs(Oban.Job.t(), [repo_opts()]) :: Enum.t()

Stream non-callback jobs from a batch.


Stream all batch jobs and extract an argument for reporting:

@impl Batch
def handle_completed(%Job{} = job) do
  {:ok, account_ids} =
    MyApp.Repo.transaction(fn ->
      |> stream_batch_jobs()
      |> Enum.map(& &1.args["account_id"])

  |> MyApp.Accounts.all()
  |> MyApp.Mailer.notify_admins_about_batch()