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Oban Pro v1.5 Launch Week—Day 4

Oban Pro v1.5 Launch Week—Day 4

Welcome to the fourth day of Pro v1.5 Launch Week!

On today's menu, Workers gone wild! We're surveying the next evolution of Pro's primary compositioning tools.

Overhauled Batches

First up, we've reimagined Batches. One of Pro's original three features, batches link the execution of many jobs as a group and run optional callback jobs after jobs are processed.

Composing batches used to rely on a dedicated worker, one that couldn't be composed with other worker types. Now, there's a stand alone Oban.Pro.Batch module that's used to dynamically build, append, and manipulate batches from any type of job, and with much more functionality.

Batches gain support for streams (creating and appending with them), clearer callbacks, and allow setting any Oban.Job option on callback jobs.

Check it out:

Improved Workflows

Workflows began the transition from a dedicated worker to a stand-alone module several versions ago. Now that transition is complete, and workflows can be composed from any type of job.

All workflow management functions have moved to a centralized Oban.Pro.Workflow module. An expanded set of functions, including the ability to cancel an entire workflow, conveniently work with either a workflow job or id, so it's possible to maneuver workflows from anywhere.

Perhaps the most exciting addition, because it's visual and we like shiny things, is the addition of mermaid output for visualization. Mermaid has become the graphing standard, and it's an excellent way to visualize workflows in tools like LiveBook.

Take a look:

More Launch Week

  • Day 1 — Unified Migrations, Preemptive Chaining, and Worker Aliases
  • Day 2 — Enhanced Uniqueness and Distributed PostgreSQL
  • Day 3 — Job Decorators
  • Day 5 — Hybrid Compositions and Release Day

One more day to our Oban release week spectacular! Please stop by tomorrow, when we'll put it all together.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, ask in the Elixir Forum or the #oban channel on Elixir Slack. For future announcements and insight into what we're working on next, subscribe to our newsletter.