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Oban Pro v1.5 Launch Week—Day 5

Oban Pro v1.5 Launch Week—Day 5

Welcome to the final day of Pro v1.5 Launch Week!

On this our last release of the week, we're giving you the jazz-hands-big-finish.

Hybrid Compositions

It's time to put all of the week's goodness together!

The demo builds a pseudo video processing and object detection workflow. Each job in the workflow is a decorated function which uses FLAME internally for elasticity. Then, the workflow is wrapped in a batch to get lifecycle notifications for the entire workflow.

Let's walk through it, without narration, to keep it consistent. (Sometime soon, we'll re-record the demos from this week with narration):

Oban v2.18.0 and Pro v1.5.0-rc.0

To ensure a smooth transition, due to this being a behemoth of a Pro release, we're issuing a Pro v1.5 release candidate. Please download, give it a try, and report any bugs or rough spots.

There's also an Oban v2.18 companion release that brings queue shutdown telemetry, job observability additions, and changes to aid in the distributed PostgreSQL we highlighted earlier this week.

What Next?

We're home free! Read the complete changelog for all the features big and small that we didn't cover. If you're interested in trying out the RC, check out the upgrade guide. We're crushing the summer and in chasing the dream of bringing you better features and optimizations with Oban.

Hope to see you at Elixir Conf in Orlando August 27-30!

More Launch Week

  • Day 1 — Unified Migrations, Preemptive Chaining, and Worker Aliases
  • Day 2 — Enhanced Uniqueness and Distributed PostgreSQL
  • Day 3 — Job Decorators
  • Day 4 — Overhauled Batches and Improved Workflows

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, ask in the Elixir Forum or the #oban channel on Elixir Slack. For future announcements and insight into what we're working on next, subscribe to our newsletter.